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Our Governors

The chief role of the governing body is to support the head teacher and the whole school staff in determining the strategic direction of the school. As a group of volunteers committed to the success of the school, the governors share the hopes and aspirations of the head teacher and the staff. St Mary’s has eleven governors, representing parents, staff, the local authority, the local community and the Church of England.
It is also the responsibility of the governors to approve the school budget and ensure financial health, probity and value for money.

The most important responsibility is in regard to the educational performance of the school. By holding leaders to account they ensure that every child receives the best possible education, taking into consideration their widely differing abilities.


Governors have no individual authority to act on behalf of the governing body, except in exceptional cases where a quick response is needed, when the chair of governors may act on behalf of the whole governing body. The governors have collective responsibility for supporting and listening to the staff, and the appointment of the headteacher and assistant headteachers.



Chair of Governors

Mrs J Kapur



Our Governing Body consists of 11 members consisting of :-

3 Parent Governors

1 Staff Governor

1 Headteacher

2 Foundation Governors

1 Co-opted Governors

1 Ex-Officio

1 Authority

Plus 1 Associate Governor


As well as the full Governing Body there are 4 other committees these are :-

Foundation Committee


Progress and Achievements Committee

  • To review and develop the School Improvement Plan for approval by the Governing Body.

  • To monitor and evaluate progress towards meeting school improvement targets including targets relating to children with identified special needs and those in receipt of Pupil Premium funding.

  • To provide support, guidance and challenge for the Headteacher and senior leaders in all matters relating to Progress, Standards and Achievement, including progress towards meeting areas for the improvement raised by Ofsted.

  • To consider and agree strategies to raise standards and achievement across the school.

  • To report back to Full Governing Body meetings by submission of minutes and discussion of these.

  • To agree staffing requirements and submit proposals for financial approval to the Finance, Safety, Resources and Pay Committee.

  • To monitor behavioural issues, particularly in relation to personal development and learning attitudes.



Finance, Safety, Resources and Pay Committee

This committee meets at least once per term and submits minutes to the full governing body

Responsible for overseeing financial performance

Responsible for overseeing staffing matters

To provide support, guidance and challenge for the Headteacher in all matters relating to the school

premises and grounds, security and health and safety


Performance Review Committee

Responsible for the Headteacher's performance management.



Foundation Committee Terms of Reference

  • To ensure the Christian foundation of the school is upheld throughout.

  • To promote the school’s Christian ethos with a focus on Respect (including respect for other faiths), Trust, Wisdom, Perseverance, Hope, and Friendship, as determined by the school community.

  • To ensure that the distinctive Christian Character of St Mary’s as a Church of England School is secured, preserved and developed and the school is run in accordance with the trust deed.

  • To ensure that the Christian vision and values are woven into all aspects of school life and learning and shape the school’s response to contemporary life and lived experience

  • Have an active Christian presence within the school, to cement a relationship between the school, the church and the wider community.

  • To evaluate, promote and encourage high quality Christian worship which enhances the spiritual wellbeing of the whole school community (children, staff, governors and parents).

  • To ensure Religious Education is treated as a core subject and maintains a high profile.

  • To evaluate standards and progress in RE.


Appeals and Complaints Committees are drawn up when required


Jean Kapur

Chair of Govenors - LA

Responsibilities: Wider Curriculum, PSHE and RSHE, SEND and pupils with medical conditions

Committees:   Finance, Safety, Resources

                          Progress and Achievements

Term of Office:23.11.2016-12.05.2025

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None


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Becky Lumley

Foundation Ex-Officio

Responsibilities:  Safeguarding and Child Protection, Filtering and Monitoring, Religious Education (RE), Collective Worship

Committees:     Foundation (Chair),  Performance Review, Finance, Safety, Resources

Term of Office:  04.09.2011-04.09.2031

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: Sister of S Smith also a Governor

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None


Tessa Dunning




Term of Office: 03.10.2024-02.10.2028

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:

Governance roles in other educational institutions:


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Kate Jacques


Responsibilities: Global Citizenship, Pupil Premium, Safeguarding & Child Protection, The Arts

Committees:    Foundation

                          Progress and Achievements (Chair)

                          Performance Review

Term of Office: 01.11.22-31.10.2026

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None






Term of Office: 18.01.2024-17.01.2028

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year: 

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Laura Wallis

Head Teacher


Committees:   Foundation

                          Finance, Safety, Resources

                          Progress and Achievements

Term of Office: Duration of Tenure

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None


Mrs K Chambers

Parent Governor

Responsibilities: PE/Sport, Science & Technology, Sports Premium

Committees: Finance, Safety, Resources, Progress and Achievements

Term of Office: 19.10.22-18.10.26

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: 

Governance roles in other educational institutions: 


Mrs L Grayson

Co-opted Governor

Responsibilities: Health and Safety (to include educational visits)

Committees: Finance, Safety, Resources (Chair)

Term of Office: 29.11.22-28.11.26

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: 

Governance roles in other educational institutions: 


Mrs L Sheppard

Staff Governor

Responsibilities: Governor Training

Committees: Progress and Achievements

Term of Office: 15.03.23-14.03.27

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: 

Governance roles in other educational institutions: 


Mrs L Wright

Parent Governor

Responsibilities: English, SEND and pupils with medical conditions

Committees: Progress and Achievements

Term of Office: 20.3.23-19.03.27

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: 

Governance roles in other educational institutions: 


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Mrs N Markham-Bew

Associate - Non Voting


Committees:      Finance, Safety, Resources and Pay

Term of Office: 01.09.2023-31.08.2027

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None


Governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months

Sarah Smith


Responsibilities: English

Committees:    Foundation

                          Progress and Achievements

Term of Office:01.11.22-31.07.2024 ended

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: Sister of B Lumley also a Governor

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None



Andrew Gray


Responsibilities: Maths, Performance Management and staff wellbeing

Personal development and behaviour and attitudes

Committees:     Finance, Safety, Resources, Performance Review, Foundation

Term of office: 15.10.2020-14.10.2024 ended

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None


School Gateway Uniform Link
ofsted website link


St Mary's Primary School

Eden Road


HU17 7HD

01482 868149

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